the logo of the Healig Dance Institute is symbolic of the depths below the surface and of the light, it contains the wave, the circle and the spiral sacred forms

Deb Evangelista

Deb Evangelista has been a water baby for as long as she can remember. One of her earliest memories is of sitting in the shallows of a Midwest freshwater lake in the summer of 1968. In college she got the opportunity to teach adult swim lessons, private swim instruction and aqua aerobics. Deb’s journey with WATSU began in 2006, receiving her practitioner status in 2012. Along the way, she was introduced to a sister modality, Healing Dance. Deb received her practitioner status in Healing Dance in 2013 and her accreditation to teach Introduction to Healing Dance in 2016. She is also trained to lead Ai Chi. Deb’s work is highly influenced by the principles of Somatic and Polarity therapies. She holds the title of Polarity Therapy Life Coach. Deb loves swimming amongst the waves of adult learning and believes in meeting and supporting students where they are in their personal journeys of discovery and learning. She believes in the healing qualities of being seen, held and heard - sacred space and witnessed in our process.  
📞 +1 303-887-7554